Decision Automation Suite

Decision solutions that model business processes and adapt to change

Our offering provides a wide range of tools and products specifically designed to empower decision-making processes. Our focus is on improving the accuracy, speed, and agility of decision management, enabling organizations to respond quickly and effectively to constant market changes.

All technology is designed to provide the necessary flexibility and expertise to make informed and strategic customer decisions. From determining the most appropriate credit approval to presenting highly personalized cross-sell offers, these solutions allow you to automate and optimize a broad spectrum of critical business decisions.

This translates into greater operational efficiency, a better understanding of customer behavior, and the ability to adapt quickly to market dynamics.

Main features

Specialized platform for decision management, based on real-time analysis and advanced decision logic

Greater agility in responding to the market

Technology that provides the end user with the flexibility and information needed to make the right decision about customers.

Enables the determination of the right credit approval decision, the best cross-sell offer, and countless other critical business decisions that can be automated and optimized for maximum business performance

Incorporate data from multiple sources, both internal and external, into the decision model.

Put the power of decision-making in the hands of business users, giving them the ability to manage decision strategies without IT intervention.

Access unlimited data, scores, and attributes, including real-time access to credit bureau data in a fast and agile manner.

Flexible deployment and ongoing support

Depending on your business needs, a variety of deployment options are possible, including local installation, hosting, and software-as-a-service. Always integrated with your business systems and processes.

Scalable and customizable technology, so you pay only for the functionality you need, with 24-hour support and availability.

Practical examples of the use of our technology

Neural networks are used in multiple applications thanks to their ability to learn complex patterns from data and perform specific tasks efficiently

Banking and Finance: Credit risk assessment by analyzing financial data, credit histories, and other parameters, enabling informed decisions on credit approval and portfolio management.

Healthcare and Life Sciences: Clinical decision support and healthcare personalization based on patient data and medical protocols.

E-Commerce and Retail: Personalized recommendations to customers thanks to the analysis of purchase history, preferences, and behavior to improve user experience and increase sales.



Insurance: Agility and flexibility in the underwriting and claims process to determine premiums and approve or reject claims efficiently and accurately.

Business Operations: Supply chain decision-making by analyzing product demand for efficient planning and faster response.

Telecommunications: Improving customer experience and optimizing resource allocation by analyzing usage data, behavior patterns, and user preferences.

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